Monday 18 February 2013

The Start of an Adventure

By this time tomorrow I will be in India ready to start my adventure in the land. I already have plans on where to go in my short time there. The Taj Mahal will probably be my first stop on this journey, seeing the palace of kings long past will be a highlight of the trip. Ajanta and Ellora is also on the list, seeing nature in action will be a large part of the journey and seeing how things are below the surface will surly be very interesting.  Bangalore should be a very interesting place to visit as well, seeing progress and technology in a country where it seems that the spiritual realm is only a few steps away should make it like no other place in the world. Finally Varawasi should be the last on my list of must see's during my limited time  in the country. My flight leaves tomorrow early in the morning, im going to be crossing several time zones so I will probably not be in the proper state of mind to make another blog, also due to the lack of internet in most of the country blogs might be few and far between. Lets see how this trip goes. I hope that I will take more than just the sights from this trip.

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